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Economic Empowerment in Mexico

We asked 10,603 women in Mexico the questions:

“¿Qué es lo que más deseas o necesitas para encontrar empleo o un mejor empleo? Por favor, comparte sólo la petición más importante para ti.“ (What do you most want or need to find a job or a better job? Please share only the request that is most important to you.)

“¿Qué debería hacer el gobierno para ayudarte a conseguir el trabajo de tus sueños? Por favor, comparte sólo la petición más importante para ti.“ (What should the government do to help you get your dream job? Please share only the request that is most important to you.)

Top words and phrases

Here's what people said in their own words.


A sample of 1000 responses


Where are the women located?

Click legend to toggle bubbles, click bubbles to view country information. Each bubble is sized according to the number of people


Breakdown of women's responses by topic

Click on a topic to view responses. Some respondents mentioned more than one topic. Hover over a bar to see the numbers and category name.


Gender breakdown


Living settings


Who the people are
